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Hello all.

Can’t believe that we’re coming to the end of 2013 already! 

It’s been a wonderful year…perhaps not as busy on the touring front as usual, but I still had the good fortune to tour early on in the year when I visited Japan twice, in March and again in July. 

I was approached by a Japanese music promotion company ICAgency while there to release my music as ringtone tunes and so followed through on this deal…don’t be surprised if while in Asia you hear Ardaigh Cuan, John o Dreams or the Sally Gardens on a mobile phone!

Unfortunately, I did not make it to the USA in November as I had planned, but I hope to make again it at a further date.

Most of you probably know by now that I am expecting a baby in January. I have been blessed with a healthy pregnancy and now in my 8th month we’re looking forward to welcoming our new baby into the world early in 2014. We have chosen not to know the sex of the baby so we will be very excited to announce the surprise news when the time comes.

In the meantime have a wonderful festive season to come and please remember if you want to buy a nice gift of music for a friend buy one of my albums through Thanks as always for your support.

Deirdre Shannon   




クリスマス・ニュースレター2013, もう2013年も終わりに近づいています、早いですね。さて、ディアドレからニュースレターが届きました。日本語(当サイト版)と今回もオリジナル(英語)で掲載いたします。今年は、念願の再来日を3月、7月とイベントやウーマン・オブ・アイルランドとのツアーで実現させました!さらに、アイ・シー・エイジェンシー様より着メロのダウンロード配信も決定しArdaigh Cuan, John o DreamsやThe Sally Gardensなどが配信!!そして、もうすでにご存知の方もいるかと思いますが今年はさらに素晴らしいニュースも!お子さんがお生まれになるそうです、詳しい予定日などは不明ですが2014年、はじめ頃かと思います。また、新着情報(公開可能)が入りましたらお伝えします!もしも、クリスマスのギフトが決まっていないという方は是非、ディアドレのCDを!!

アルバム〜Deirdre Shannon〜と〜Anamċeol〜の両方から配信、100円またはフルコーラス長い着信音は45秒間の着信音で200円 - 2つのオプションがあります。 日本のユーザーは、モバイルデバイスで機能のQRコードを読み取ることができ、サイトへアクセスが可能だそうです。
※ 尚、不具合などや詳細とは出来る限り確認致しますが全てのお問い合わせ等には、対応が出来ない可能性がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。

Some Exciting News!!

Japan now delivers a wide choice of downloadable ringtones featuring Deirdre Shannon(Official) music thanks to ICAgency. The music selected is from both of her albums 'Deirdre Shannon' and 'Anamċeol'.

If you'd like more information on the delivery of this new product to the Japanese market please check out

There are two options - a ringtone of 45 second duration for 100 Yen or longer ringtone (full chorus) for 250 Yen. 
Users in Japan can access the site and read on a mobile device the featured QR code below.



ニュースレター7月 (オリジナル英語)


Well, today I am on a train south to a very beautiful part of Ireland ... Killarney town in the Kingdom of Kerry. I will meet with the cast and crew of the upcoming tour Women of Ireland in Japan. We will rehearse the show over the next few days.
It's an exciting time getting to meet new performers, running new material with a new band and in general getting to know everyone.
Our Japanese tour will run from 9th through to 25th July. We will perform 12 shows in that time and travel the length and breath of the country. I have found Japan to be very enjoyable on the whole though there is rarely time to do anything other than travel and perform. I was there last time in March and prior to that in 2009. I look forward to returning.

If you'd like to check out my schedule go to my website DeirdreShannon official facebook page will have up to date news and photos live from the tour too. Please like me while there!
Lots of love from a train somewhere in the centre of Ireland and as always thanks for your support!


Hello Japan.


I'm really looking forward to coming to visit you again this July. 


Last time I was with a show called Ragus in November 2009 - it was pretty cold then but I still got around to see some really special things. I visited a lovely mountain area there not quite sure where though! There the Shinto temples were buzzing with activity and there was a wonderful early morning procession of colour and prayer which I was so thrilled to happen upon. I remember the trees in their glorious display of Autumnal colour. 


One thing I want to do while in Japan again is visit an 'Onsen' or hot spring. I LOVED this the last time. I will also really enjoy meeting the good friends I made on my last trip there. It is a much overdue visit. I can't wait to refresh my memory of this wonderful country and its people again. 


I will get the opportunity to visit over the next few days for the special time around St Patrick's Day and I will be making some brief appearances so keep a look out!



March 2013

16th Small show and St. Patricks’ Day Parade in Yokohama

17th St. Patricks’ Day Parade in Tokyo

19th Fan Event at Brian Brew in Sapporo

21st Fan Event at Hard Rock Café in Tokyo

23rd Ireland Festival in Osaka

For more details, please check or call 03-5810-7772 (Tempo Primo Co., LTD)


If you miss any of that how about coming to see me in the show Women of Ireland


Women of Ireland Japan tour

12th Fukuoka

13th Nagoya (Aichi Kenritsu Geijutu Gekijou)

14th Osaka

16th Sapporo

19th Tokyo (Orchard Hall)

20th Tokyo (Orchard Hall)

21st Yokohama(Kanagawa Kenmin Hall)

23rd Kanazawa

For more details, please call 03-5810-7772 (Tempo Primo Co., LTD)


There will be information posted by my wonderful web assistant Toru Yamauchi on Deirdre Shannon Fans on Facebook

Also if you feel like it please Like my Official Page


Many thanks for reading this! Looking forward to it all.


Deirdre Shannon



 ※当サイトの画像などのコンテンツは全てDeirdre Shannonから直接許可得て掲載しておりますので、無断でのご使用、複製などは固くお断りしております。

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